Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Membuat Daftar Isi Pada Blog

Sedikit ulasan tentang daftar isi pada blog, mungkin anda sudah tau dengan yang namanya Daftar Isi, Karena ini banyak terdapat pada buku, komik, makalah dan lain sebagainya !

Tapi mungkin anda juga ingin membuatnya pada blog anda, anda dapat melakukannya dengan petunjuk di bawah ini. Semoga ini dapat membantu anda dalam mempermudah pencarian postingan yang ingin di lihat oleh para pengunjung  blog anda dengan mudah. Dan tidak perlu susah - susah untuk mencarinya pada kategori dan lain sebagainya !!! Tapi para pengunjung anda tinggal mengklik Daftar Isi pada blog anda dan mereka akan melihat tiap judul postingan yang anda buat.

Ingin tau caranya tinggal ikutin cara ci bawah ini  (>,,<)


1. Login Ke Blog anda
2. Pilih Tab Tata Letak
3. Lalu pilih Tab Edit HMTL
4. Centang kotak kecil pada kata Expand Widget Templates
5. lalu Salin data di bawah ini.

<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl != data:blog.url'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>
<div style="padding:6px 0 6px 5px;border-right:1px solid #ccc;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;margin-bottom:2px;background:#EAE9E9;color:#406A0E;">
<b:include data='post' name='post'/>
<b:include data='post' name='post'/>

6. Kemudian cari kode <b:include data='post' name='post'/>
7. Ganti kode tersebut dengan script di atas.
8. Lalu Klik Simpan Template.


1. buka Element Halaman
2. lalu Tambah Gadget
3. pilih HTML/Javascript
4. salin kode di bawah ini kedalamnya.

<a href="">Daftar isi&raquo;</a>

5. ganti  NamaBlogAnda  dengan nama blog anda.
6. simpan dan lihat hasilnya.

selamat mencoba !!!

Cara Membuat Read More Otomatis


1.   Login ke Blog anda.
2.   Pilih Tab Tata Letak
3.   Klik Tab Edit HTML.
4.   Kemudian anda salin kode di bawah ini tepat di atas kode </head>

<script type='text/javascript'>
var thumbnail_mode = "float" ;
summary_noimg = 250;
summary_img = 250;
img_thumb_height = 120;
img_thumb_width = 120;

<script type='text/javascript'>
Auto-readmore link script, version 2.0 (for blogspot)

(C)2008 by Anhvo

visit to get more cool hacks
function removeHtmlTag(strx,chop){
var s = strx.split("<");
for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++){
s[i] = s[i].substring(s[i].indexOf(">")+1,s[i].length);
strx = s.join("");
chop = (chop < strx.length-1) ? chop : strx.length-2;
while(strx.charAt(chop-1)!=' ' && strx.indexOf(' ',chop)!=-1) chop++;
strx = strx.substring(0,chop-1);
return strx+'...';

function createSummaryAndThumb(pID){
var div = document.getElementById(pID);
var imgtag = "";
var img = div.getElementsByTagName("img");
var summ = summary_noimg;
if(img.length>=1) {
imgtag = '<span style="float:left; padding:0px 10px 5px 0px;"><img src="'+img[0].src+'" width="'+img_thumb_width+'px" height="'+img_thumb_height+'px"/></span>';
summ = summary_img;

var summary = imgtag + '<div>' + removeHtmlTag(div.innerHTML,summ) + '</div>';
div.innerHTML = summary;



1.   Ceklis kotak pada kata  
2.   Kemudian anda cari kode <data:post.body/>

Jika ingin lebih mudah mencari kata tersebut tekan tombol kombinasi Ctrl + F pada Keyboard.

3.   Kemudian anda ganti kode tersebut dengan kode di bawah ini.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<div expr:id='"summary" +'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb("summary<>");</script>
<span class='rmlink' style='float:left'><a expr:href='data:post.url'>READ MORE - <data:post.title/></a></span>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>

 4.   Kemudian SIMPAN TEMPLATE.
5.   Selesai ^_^

Selamat Mencoba !!!

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

Cara Membuat Background Pada Flashdisk

 Anda bosan dengan flasdik yang kurang enak di pandang ( tidak ada yang di lihat ), atau anda ingin selalu malihat gambar kesayangan anda selalu dapat di lihat setiap anda membuka Flasdisk anda.

mungkin saya dapat membantu anda melakuka hal tersebut !!!
caranya gampang mau tau ???

1. buka notepad, klik start menu lalu pilih manu RUN
2. kerikan kata "notepad" tanpa tanda kutip.
3. kemudian kopas ( kopi paste ) script di bawah ini.

    IconArea_Image=nama gambar anda.jpg

    4. anda dapat mengganti kode 7cfc00 ( berfungi untuk mengubah warna teks pada folder anda )
    5. Ganati nama gambar anda.jpg dengan nama gambar / photo yang akan anda gunakan untuk dijadikan sebagai background
    contoh : saya.jpg atau sesuai dengan nama gambar anda

    6. kemudian save dengan nama "desktop.ini" tanpa tanda kutip ya.
    7. coba anda refresh flasdisk anda.
    8. akan muncul gambar yang telah anda pilih tadi seperti gambar di bawah ini.

    pemberitahuan :

    backgraound ini hanya bisa di pakai pada halaman awal flasdisk anda dan tidak dapat di pakai di dalam folder yang ada di dalam falsdisk anda.

    Dan gambar yang anda pilih harus berada pada halaman awal beserta file notepad yang anda tadi buat.
    dan tidak dapat di pindahkan ke dalam folder

    9. yang terakhir anda tinggal meng - hidden file beserta gambar yang anda pilih tadi sebagi background anda.

    caranya :

    klik kanan pada file yang akan di hidden (di sembunyikan), kemudian pilihan propertis centang kata hidden.
    lalu klik ok.


    selamat mencoba ^_^

    Adobe Macromedia Flash 8 Tutorial

    Creating an Animated Banner

    This tutorial introduces you to working with Flash as you create an animated banner. You will find this tutorial easier if you have already completed the Adobe Fireworks CS3 Tutorial -- since some of the menu options and tools are similar.
    Begin by launching Adobe Flash from the application program menu:
    Select Start > Programs > Adobe Web Premium CS3 > Adobe Flash CS3.
    Your screen should look similar to the image shown below (click on the image to view a larger screenshot).

    The Adobe Macromedia Fireworks Application
    Don't worry if you feel a little intimidated by all the windows and panels that appear. We will focus on the functions needed to create a company logo banner. When you want to learn more about Flash, try out the Getting Started with Flash option found under "Help" on the top menu bar or consider taking a course on Flash multimedia.

    Configure the Shape Layer

    Before beginning to work on the Shape layer, click the lock icon on the Background layer to prevent accidentally changing it.
    Now you are ready to get started with the Shape layer. You need to tell Flash what layer you are working on. Click in Frame 1 in the Timeline on the same row as the Shape layer to select this layer and frame. See the Figure below.

    Select Frame 1 in the Shape layer
    The Shape layer contains an oval shape that changes size and color. Use the Colors panel to choose the color for the pencil (outline) and bucket (fill) of the oval shape you wil create. Click on the color chooser next to each and select #003366.
    Next, click on the Oval Tool (shown in the figure at the right) to draw an oval shape on the Stage. Your cursor will change to "+". Start at the upper left corner and drag a small oval on the left side of the stage. Don't worry if it is not perfect, you can use the Properties panel to exactly set the dimensions.
    Select the Oval Tool
    Your Stage and Properties panel should look similar to the one below. (If your Properties panel does not automatically display, select Window > Properties > Properties.)

    Properties Panel

    If your "W", "H", "X", and "Y" values are different, type the following values in the corresponding text boxes:
    W: 15.0        X: 28.0
    H: 10.0         Y: 25.0

    This configures the oval to be placed 25 pixels from the top (Y value) and 28 pixels from the left (Y value) place on the Stage. It also configures the oval to be 15 pixels wide (W value) and 10 pixels high (H value).
    Next, you will add a keyframe on the Shape Layer in the Timeline Frame area. If necessary, scroll the Timeline Frame area to the right so the frame labelled 25 is in view. Click in Frame 25 on the Shape Layer and press the F6 key. This places a keyframe in Frame 25. A keyframe tells Flash that a change occurs in this frame.

    Setting a keyframe

    Your Timeline should be similar to the one shown above. If you accidentally click on a different layer or frame --remember you can back out your changes using CTRL-Z or Edit > Undo.
    With this frame still selected, you will change the color and shape of the Oval. You will use the Selection Tool in the Tools panel (see figure below).

    Selection Tool

    Click on the Selection Tool. Click on the oval to display the Properties panel. Change the height to 100.0. the width to 200.0 and the Y value to -10.0. Change both the outline and fill color to #006666. rectangle. Use the Color Chooser to choose the color #00CCCC for both the pencil (outline) and bucket (fill) colors. Click on the Stage to view the effect of the new values. The Properties and Stage panels are shown below.

    Frame 25 of the Shape Layer

    The Background Layer has 50 frames and the Shape Layer has 25 frames. Srcoll the Frames Timeline so that Frame 50 is visible. Click in Frame 50 of the Shape Layer and press the F5 key to add frames to the timeline. See the figure below.

    Adding Frames to the Shape layer

    Add Animation to the Shape Layer

    Next, you will use Flash to automatically change the color and shape of the oval in the Shape layer using a Shape Tween. Click on a Frame between Frame 1 and Frame 25 in the Shape layer. The Properties panel will display a Tween select menu. Select Shape as shown in the figure below.

    Select a Shape Tween

    The Timeline will now show an arrow between Frame 1 and Frame 25. Your Timeline should look like the figure below. If you see a dotted line instead, undo your work or reload the saved version of banner.fla to try again.

    The Shape Tween

    Test the Background and Shape Animation

    You can "play" the animation with the Timeline. Scroll the Timeline to the left until Frame 1 is visible. Click on the red rectangle (called the "playhead") and drag it to the right to see the both the Shape and Background animations play! Another method for this playback is to select Control > Play from the menu.

    You can also test the animation outside of the Timeline and Stage. Select Control > Test Movie. A new window will open with your Flash movie as shown below.

    Testing Flash

    Notice that the top and bottom of the oval do not appear in the Flash .swf movie -- that is because these portions of the oval are beyond the Stage. This is a common technique.
    Save your file.

    Configure the Text Layer

    Before beginning to work on the Text layer, click the lock icon on the Shape layer to prevent accidentally changing it.
    Now you are ready to get started with the Text layer. You need to tell Flash what layer you are working on. Click in Frame 1 in the Timeline on the same row as the Text layer to select this layer and frame. See the Figure below.

    Select Frame 1 in the Text layer

    The Text layer contains the name of the company "Acme Web Design" and move in from the right. Select the Text Tool from the Tools panel as shown at the right. Your cursor will change to Text Tool Cursor Shape.
    Use the Property panel to configure the font, size, and color of your text. In the example, the font is set to Broadway BT. Use this font face or another font of your choice. The font size is set to 40. The color is set to #FFFFFF.
    Select the Text Tool
    Your Stage and Properties panel should look similar to the one below. (If your Properties panel does not automatically display, select Window > Properties > Properties.)

    Properties Panel

    It's OK if your height, width, X and Y values may be slightly different. Next you will configure the "X"" value to place the text mostly off-stage to the right. Change the X value to 450.0. Your Stage should be similar to the figure below. Notice that the text begins near the right edge of the Stage.

    The text begins on the right edge of the Stage.

    Next, you will add a keyframe on the Text Layer in the Timeline Frame area. If necessary, scroll the Timeline Frame area to the right so the frame labelled 40 is in view. Click in Frame 40 on the Text Layer and press the F6 key. This places a keyframe in Frame 40. A keyframe tells Flash that a change occurs in this frame.

    Setting a keyframe
    Your Timeline should be similar to the one shown above. If you accidentally click on a different layer or frame --remember you can back out your changes using CTRL-Z or Edit > Undo.
    With this frame still selected, you will move the location of the text. Either drag the text object over to the left with your mouse, or use the Select Tool to click on the text object and modify the Properties panel -- change the X value to 40.0. Your Stage should be similar to the figure below.

    Configuring the contents of the keyframe

    The other layers have 50 frames and the Text layer has only 40 frames. Srcoll the Frames Timeline so that Frame 50 is visible. Click in Frame 50 of the Text Layer and press the F5 key to add frames to the timeline. See the figure below.

    Adding Frames to the Shape layer

    Add Animation to the Text Layer

    Next, you will use Flash to automatically move the text from the right side of the stage (Frame 1) to the location on the Stage in Frame 40. You will configure a Motion Tween. Click on a Frame between Frame 1 and Frame 40 in the Text layer. The Properties panel will display a Tween select menu. Select Motion as shown in the figure below.

    Select a Shape Tween

    The Timeline will now show an arrow between Frame 1 and Frame 40. Your Timeline should look like the figure below. If you see a dotted line instead, undo your work or reload the saved version of banner.fla to try again. View the Timeline and examine the background color of the frames. The Shape Tweens are indicated by a green background color and the Motion Tween is indicated by a blue background color.

    The Motion Tween

    Test the Background, Shape, and Text Animation

    You can "play" the animation with the Timeline. Scroll the Timeline to the left until Frame 1 is visible. Click on the red rectangle (called the "playhead") and drag it to the right to see the both the Shape and Background animations play! Another method for this playback is to select Control > Play from the menu.

    You can also test the animation outside of the Timeline and Stage. Select Control > Test Movie. A new window will open with your Flash movie as shown below.

    Testing Flash

    Notice that now the text moves in from right to left. You are done designing your Flash animation. The next step is to publish the movie (create a .swf) and test the movie in a web page.
    Save your file.

    Publish Your Movie

    Select File > Publish Settings to display the Publish Settings dialog box shown below. You will work with the Formats tab, the Flash tab, and the HTML tab of this dialog box.
    On the Formats tab, verify that the Flash and HTML checkboxes are checked.
    Formats Tab
    On the Flash tab leave all settings at the default values except for the following:
    1. Set the Version fo Flash Player 5 as the Version (provides maximum compatibility),
    2. Check Protect from import.
    3. Check Omit trace actions
    Flash Tab
    On the HTML tag, verify that Loop is unchecked -- we only want the animation to play once. Checking Loop will cause the animation to repeat over and over.
    The HTML tab

    Click Publish . Click OK.
    Flash has published your animation as a Flash Movie called banner.swf and has created a web page file named banner.html that displays banner.swf.

    Test the Web Page and Flash Movie

    Launch a browser and open the banner.html file. Your result should be similar to the figure below:

    Flash on web page

    View the source code of the web page to see the HTML code automatically generated by Adobe Macromedia Flash to display the Flash movie. You can copy and paste this code in your own web pages as needed.
    You've created your first animated banner using Flash!

    You have completed the Flash Animated Banner Tutorial. As you may have noticed, we have barely scratched the surface of what Flash is capable of. Consider further study by taking courses. There are also many other online Flash tutorials available on the Web.

    Tutorial Adobe Fireworks CS3

    Adobe Fireworks CS3 Tutorial:
    Creating a Logo Banner

    A company "logo" banner image is commonly found on the home page of most web sites. When creating a web site for a company, it is easiest to scan the organization's logo from their brochures or promotional material and then save the scanned logo image as a gif or jpg file. If there are no brochures or other materials available, a graphic application such as Adobe Fireworks can be used to create a banner.
    This tutorial will guide you in creating a company logo banner. Begin by launching Fireworks from the application program menu:
    Select Start > Programs > Adobe > Adobe Web Premium CS3 > Fireworks CS3.
    Your screen should look similar to the image shown below (click on the image to view a larger screenshot).
    The Adobe Macromedia Fireworks Application
    Don't worry if you feel a little intimidated by all the windows and panels that appear. We will focus on the functions needed to create a company logo banner. When you want to learn more about Fireworks, try out the Using Fireworks option found under "Help" on the top menu bar or consider taking a course on graphics

    Adobe Fireworks CS3 Tutorial:
    Creating a Logo Banner

    Create a New Image

    To create a new image, select File > New. Your display should be similar to the screen shown below.

    Creating a new image

    The "New Document" dialog box appears in the middle of your screen. This is used to configure settings for your new document. We would like our banner to be 600 pixels wide, 150 pixels high, have 72 ppi resolution (the default), and have a transparent background (Canvas Color).
    Modify the "New Document" dialog box with these settings. It should be similar to the one shown below:
    The New Document Dialog Box
    Click "OK". Fireworks creates the new image canvas according to your specifications and the window below appears on your screen.

    The Image Canvas

    Take a minute to familiarize yourself with it.
    • The "Untitled-1.png" in the Title Bar is the name of the file at this point.
    • The image type png is the native image format for Fireworks, we will convert your logo to a gif or jpg format later.
    • The checkerboard pattern in the window indicates a transparent background canvas -- don't worry your final image will not have a checkerboard pattern background.
    • The "Original" tab is initially selected and indicates the image may be edited. We will work with "Preview" later.
    • The "@ 100%" indicates that the image is displayed at "100%" of its size.
    If you look at the bottom right of this window you will notice the document size (600x150), display magnification (currently 100%) and a number of icons. Place your mouse over each icon to for a brief description of its purpose.

    Adobe Fireworks CS3 Tutorial:
    Creating a Logo Banner

    Fireworks Tool Panel

    Fireworks Tool Panel
    Notice the Tools Panel in your Fireworks application. The currently selected tool is the "Pointer Tool" -- the standard cursor pointer. Place your mouse over the other tool icons for a brief description of each.
    You will be using the "Text Tool" icon on the Tools Panel during this tutorial. Take a moment and find it. (Hint: Look for the letter "A" in the Vector area on the Tools Panel.)
     You will also be using the Colors Panel, which is located below the Tools Panel in this window. This is used to change the color of the object you are working with.

    Colors Panel

    As long as you are examining the screen, take a look in the Main Tool Bar across the top of the Fireworks Window.

    Menu Bar

    It is handy to know how to undo an action when using Fireworks -- just in case you make a mistake. Pressing the Ctrl and Z keys at the same time will undo your most recent action. There also is an Undo option located under the Edit Option on the Main Tool Bar.
    Continue to actually create the company logo banner.

    Adobe Fireworks CS3 Tutorial:
    Creating a Logo Banner

    Fireworks Tool Panel

    Vector PanelSelect the Text Tool in the Vector Area on the Tools Panel.
    Your cursor changes to an "I Beam".

    Click on your checkerboard canvas. A blue outline for a text area appears. See the image below.


    Notice the Property Inspector in the lower center of the window. The Property Inspector configures the properties of the text area.

    Property Inspector

    Place your cursor in the blue text area and type "Acme Web Design".

    Entering Text

    Your text might look different from the sample shown above. That is OK, you will configure your text in a moment. You will notice the sample text happens to start on the left side of the canvas. Move the text closer to the left side of the image canvas (as shown in the screen shot below) by selecting select the Pointer Tool (see page 2), using it to select the text area, and dragging the text area closer to the left side of the image canvas.

    Moving the text

    Now you will configure your text to be appropriate for a company logo banner. Examine the Property Inspector shown below. There are controls that configure the properties of the text, including the font, size, color, style (bold, italic or underline), and orientation (horizontal or vertical).
    Select the text area in your image and configure the Property Inspector as shown below:
    • Arial font,
    • size 64,
    • a shade of blue
    • italic

    Property Inspector

    Notice that the text on the image canvas was changed to match your configuration. You may need to use the Pointer Tool again to position your text so that it completely displays. Your image canvas should be similar to the one shown below.

    Banner with text configured

    Adobe Fireworks CS3 Tutorial:
    Creating a Logo Banner 

    Customize Your Company Logo Banner

    Next, you will apply an Filter to your text. Look at your screen and notice the Filter Label followed by the + sign in the Property Inspector. Click on the + sign to display the Filters available. See the Figure below. (Note: In Fireworks MX 2004 and earlier versions, these filters were called "Effects". ) 

    Effects on the Property Inspector
    Outer BevelSelect "Bevel and Emboss".
    You will note a number of options appear.
    Select "Outer Bevel" as shown at the right.

    Your image canvas should look similar to the one shown below.

    Logo with effect applied

    Your image canvas may look slightly different.
    Outer BevelNotice the Outer Bevel effect is now listed in the Property Inspector under the Filter Label.
    See the figure at the right.
    Outer Bevel Dialog BoxDoubleclick on the "Outer Bevel" text to display a dialog box that can be used to configure the effect.
    See the figure at the right.

    The color of the outer bevel filter is red. You may change it if you prefer. Try a turquoise color (#3399CC). Experiment with the settings. For a more subtle effect, change the width from 10 to 5. Try out different types of effects. It is currently set to "Raised" -- try "Inverted" for a different look. Try changing the contrast, softness, and angle if you feel daring.
    Stop when you are happy with your text. Remember Edit, Undo (or Ctrl+Z keys) can help to correct any mistakes. Your image canvas may now look like the one shown below.

    New Logo Banner
    The text above is configured with the setting shown below:

    Adobe Fireworks CS3 Tutorial:
    Creating a Logo Banner 

    Save Your Company Logo Banner

    You can use the Preview tab in the Image Canvas window to show how your image will look on a web page. Click on the Preview tab. Your display should be similar to the one shown below.

    Preview of banner

    Look at the lower right status bar of the panel -- Fireworks tells you the file size of your image and the approximate download time, and the suggested image type. Click on the Original tab to continue to edit the image.
    Notice how there is a rectangle of white space around the text in the image. This will automatically leave blank space around the text when the image is displayed on a web page. If instead, you would like the image to ONLY contain the text (without an empty area bordering the text), you will need to trim the canvas by selecting Modify > Canvas > Trim Canvas as shown in the figure below.

    Trimming the Canvas

    If you trimmed the canvas around the image, your Fireworks work area should now look similar to the one shown below.

    Image Canvas

    Use the Export Wizard. Select "File", "Export Wizard" and the following dialog box will appear.

    Export Wizard

    This allows you to select an format for export (sometimes you need to choose between gif and jpg) and target an export file size. Click the Continue button.

    Choose Web as the Destination

    Select the final destination for your image. Click the Radio Button next to "The web" if it is not already selected. Click Continue. Click Exit to see your Previews. The Export Preview dialog box appears and is shown below.

    Export Preview Dialog B ox

    Notice that you are shown both gif and jpg images. File sizes and download times are given for each. There are many options on this dialog box that can be configured, including the colors palette used by the images. You can see that it can take quite a while to become proficient using Fireworks, For now, click the gif image to select it and configure it to use Alpha Transparency as shown below.

    Export Preview

    Now click the "Export" button. The Export File Save Dialog box appears as shown below.

    Export Dialog Box

    Save your file on your hard drive or portable storage media (CD-R, USB thumb drive, etc.). Name the file logo.gif. Click Save. You have now saved your logo in a format that is widely used on the Web.
    Now save your working file. Select File > Save As and save your file as logo.png on your hard drive or portable storage media.
    Close Fireworks. Select File > Exit.
    Note -- You saved TWO versions of your graphic:
    • The .gif file will be displayed on web pages.
    • The .png file is saved and can be used if you need to modify the logo or create a similar logo image in the future.
    The .png file contains the editable text object and can be easily modified. The .gif file is not easily modified.

    Adobe Fireworks CS3 Tutorial:
    Creating a Logo Banner

    Opening Existing Files and More....

    You saved your company banner logo in two separate files: logo.gif and logo.png. The logo.gif file was optimized to display on a web page. If you open it in Fireworks (Launch Fireworks, select File, select Open and choose your logo.gif) you will find that while you can add objects to it, you cannot directly edit or change the text object "Acme Web Design".
    The logo.png file was saved in a file format that DOES allow you to edit objects. Close the logo.gif file and open the logo.png file. Notice that if you double click on the text you can edit and format it however you wish. It is a great idea to save your files in BOTH formats -- in case you need to go back and modify an image.

    Creating Buttons with Fireworks

    There are a number of methods that you can use to create buttons with Fireworks. One very simple method is to create a new image with the appropriate dimensions and background color. Then add text to it.
    The next section will walk you through creating a "Home" button. Close any open images in Fireworks. (Hint: When creating a series of navigation buttons for a website create the one that displays the longest text first!)
    Create a new image.
    New DocumentSelect File > New. The New Document dialog box appears.
    Configure it so that the image is:
    • 150 pixels wide
    • 50 pixels high
    • has a shade of blue for the background color.
    Click OK.

    Your image canvas will look similar to the one shown below:

    Button with Blue Background

    Add the text "Home" to the button. (Hint: choose the Text ToolText Toolfrom the Tool Menu, refer to earlier pages in this tutorial if needed.)
    Your image canvas will look similar to the one shown below:

    Adding Text to the Button

    Use the Export Wizard and save the file on your hard drive or portable storage media as home1.gif.
    Sometimes you need two versions of the same button with slightly different text colors. The easiest way to do this is to create the second button right now. Select the text, change the color, and use the Export Wizard to create the second button. Call it home2.gif.
    To prepare for future modifications (you never know when your clients or project manager will change their mind), save the file as home.png to allow for easy maintenance.
    Samples of home1.gif and home2.gif are shown below:

    home1.gif     home2.gif

    If you are thinking, "There really is a lot to learn about using graphics applications." -- you are correct.
    Consider taking a graphics course sometime in the future. Some technical web developers outsource their graphic work to graphic specialists.
    Large-scale web projects usually have at least one graphic designer on the team. This allows the developers to concentrate on the HTML and scripting.